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Meet Subscribe & Save Dashboard in Sellerise!

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Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ June 19, 2024

Ultimate tool to maximize your Subscribe & Save selling strategy on Amazon with comprehensive data analytics πŸ“Š


Get Comprehensive Insights

See clear, detailed, and actionable insights at a glance. Understand how many of your customers use Subscribe & Save, what they buy, and how much.


Predict Demand Like a Pro

Track your subscriptions and sales week by week. Use forecasting to anticipate future changes and plan more effectively up to a year ahead!


Nail Inventory Management

We forecast how many units will be sold and sales you'll make in the future; so you can keep the perfect inventory level of each product to meet demand.


Boost Your Margins

Worried about those discounts eating into your profits? Don't sweat it. See a break-down of costs and discount rates helping you strike the perfect balance between pricing and profit.


Optimize Your Selling Strategy

Track S&S performance for all products in one place. Understand what is working and what isn't, see potential lost revenue from stockouts, spot growth opportunities, and make smart moves.

Don’t let the Subscribe & Save program hassles slow you down. Sign up for your FREE 7-day trial and leverage Sellerise S&S Dashboard to streamline your ops, keep your customers satisfied, and watch your business grow! πŸš€

~ 7-day free trial for new users ~
~ no credit card required ~

Updates & Fixes

Advanced Storage Fee calculation, Review Downloader for EU+, product dimensions changes history, and more!

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ May 13, 2024

Sales & Profit

  1. Optimized loading of your profits
    Now the page will load much faster (especially for accounts with a large number of products).

    This enhancement is part of our continuous effort to provide the best user experience and to be among the best amazon seller tools.
  2. Advanced Storage Fee Calculation for EU+
    Just like we did it previously for the North American region, we now allocate Storage Fee to each of your products on European markets too!

☝️ Note: This update applies only to records dated January 1, 2024 or later. For earlier periods, the Storage Fee is still shown as a total for all products on the account level only.

Smart Alerts

Now, when creating a notification Channel for delivering alerts, you can select multiple seller accounts in one go that belong to the same region (either North American or European):

Review Downloader

Now available for all countries, including in the European region πŸŽ‰

  1. Visit any Amazon listing and download reviews using our free Chrome Extension.
  2. The reviews will then be saved in our Review Downloader so you can download them as a file at any time.
  3. In the future, you can refresh the list of reviews for a particular product right inside the Review Downloader instead of manually running the Chrome Extension over again.

☝️ Note: Due to a change in Amazon's algorithms, Sellerise is unable to download more than 50-100 reviews per product at the moment. We apologize for this temporary inconvenience.

FBA Fee Reimbursements

  1. Due to recent changes in low-stock fees, submission of FBA fee "reimbursement" claims is temporarily unavailable. Learn more ➜
  2. With the latest update, you can get quick access to your product dimensions changes history right from the Reimbursement tool:

Inventory + Storage & FBA Fees

  1. We've added Amazon Policies on Storage & Low-Stock Fees calculations to our Help Hub so you can quickly access them.
  2. New metrics showing Units Sold in the last 30 and 90 days, as well as the Average Number of Units Sold daily.
  3. You can now organize the upper boxes by dragging them, as well as choose which additional metrics you want to see at the top:

Updates & Fixes

Low-Stock Fee Calculator, Premium Support, contact negative reviewers who opted out from receiving messages, and more!

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ April 15, 2024

⚑ Low-Stock Fee Calculator in Sellerise

  • See inventory levels of all your products
  • Stay aware about getting close to limits
  • Check how much Low-Stock & Storage fees you’re about to pay
  • Avoid excessive fees by adjusting your strategy in time!

The new feature is already available for all users on US accounts inside our Inventory Tool. So, why wait?

Review Puncher

New configuration option: Get in touch with buyers who leave negative reviews even if they've opted out of receiving messages from you!​

Sellerise Premium Support *

Now, you can just toss any Amazon-related headaches our way, and our team of experts will sort them out, quick as a flash!

  • 🚫 Hijacker Removal: We'll keep your listings safe
  • πŸ”’ Listing & Inventory Unlock: Back in business without delays
  • 🚨 Account Health: Solving problems before they escalate
  • πŸ’° FBA Reimbursements: We'll chase down what's owed to you
  • βœ… No fees upfront: Pay only after we deliver positive results

* Available for active Sellerise subscribers only



Set up your default seller account and Sellerise tool that you want to be redirected to each time you log in:


Check if you've granted all the user permissions on Seller Central required by Sellerise for each of your seller accounts:

New feature

Meet Low-Stock Fee Calculator in Sellerise πŸ“ˆ

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ April 13, 2024

Ultimate tool to secure your Amazon business from paying extra fees!


Get the most precise calculation of your Low-Stock & Storage fees:


Understand your inventory level sufficient to avoid excessive fees:


Monitor your Storage Utilization Ratio to plan sales and avoid surcharges:


Avoid excessive fees by adjusting your sales strategy and replenishment schedule in time!

The new feature is already available for all Sellerise users on US accounts.

So, why wait? Sign up for your FREE 7-day trial to get prepared and secure your business now! πŸš€

~ 7-day free trial for new users ~
~ no credit card required ~

Updates & Fixes

Reimbursements for Europe+, Storage Fee by product, collaborator access expiration date, and more!

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ March 11, 2024

⚑ Reimbursements for Europe+

Finally in Sellerise! Connect your European+ accounts to Sellerise and start reimbursing money for misplaced or lost inventory right away πŸ’Έ

Note: More reimbursement types are also coming very soon!

More updates in Reimbursements

  • Search for transactions or products by FNSKU anywhere in the Reimbursements tool tabs and dashboards
  • ​Export all your actual reimbursements history into a single file
  • Check old product dimensions set by Amazon before you created the case
  • Compare reimbursement estimated by Sellerise with actual reimbursement made by Amazon for all your cases:

Financial Analytics

Starting January 1, 2024, we allocate Storage Fee to your products across all tools in Sellerise!

Note: For earlier periods, the metric is still shown as a total for all products on the account level only.​


  • Data on European accounts in Sellerise is now displayed by UTC just like you see it on Seller Central. ​Explore ➜
  • Specify an access expiration date for your collaborators. ​Explore ➜
  • Change your configurations of Smart Alerts, Review Requester, and Review Puncher safely while the tools are disabled. ​Explore βžœβ€‹

Updates & Fixes

Sponsored TV ads data, new alerts for EU+, product manufacturer information, and more!

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ February 02, 2024

Keyword Hunter & Re-Ranker PRO

βš™οΈ New option to exclude multiple phrases from your keyword list.

Type in as many irrelevant phrases as you need in the Exclude Phrase Containing field, click "Enter", then "Apply Filters", and voila!

Smart Alerts

⚑ Hijacker & BuyBox alerts for Europe+ ⚑

Make sure they're enabled in your configurations and in the Channels tab for all EU seller accounts (edit access needed):


  1. New option to export all your cases into a single file
  2. Added historical estimates to your case details so you can compare them with actual reimbursement and ensure Amazon returned everything they owe you!

FBA Fee Reimbursements

⚑ Added your current Amazon FBA Fee value so you can compare it with the one estimated by Sellerise based on your product dimensions (Real). Now, you can decide if you should create a remeasurement request OR a reimbursement claim at once:


  1. Fully-revamped Inventory Dashboard display. More detailed data organized identically to that in your Seller Central account.
  2. Option to add manufacturer data manually for each product OR upload this info in bulk:​


  • PPC Dashboard:
    Added Sponsored Television ad campaigns data.
    ​Explore ➜
  • Shipment Documents:
    Option to export your all your shipments data into a spreadsheet.
    ​Explore ➜
  • Sales & Profit:
    ​① Renamed Mult. orders metric to MCF orders (Multi-Channel Fulfillment Orders)
    ​⑑ Added Click-Through Rate % (CTR) to all dashboards and tables
    ​Explore ➜
  • Collaborators can now see tags showing the primary account owner's email in the seller accounts selection dropdown

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Sellerise!

Dima avatar
Shared by Dima β€’ December 22, 2023

Dear clients, partners, and friends!

As this Christmas and holiday season is coming, I and the whole Sellerise team are filled with pure gratitude for your invaluable trust in us and our products. It has been a pleasure to work with you this year and see the amazing things that have transpired as a result! πŸ™Œ

We thank you wholeheartedly and hope 2024 brings you greater success than ever before so that together we can continue making an impact by delivering quality products & services at competitive prices!

Merry Christmas from all of us here - wishing you cheer-filled holidays, joyous festivities, and peace throughout the New Year ahead! ✨

Warmest regards always,

Your Sellerise team πŸ’™

New tool

Meet FBA Fees Reimbursement Tool by Sellerise πŸ’°

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Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ December 07, 2023

Brand-new automated tool that spots Amazon overcharges & helps you say goodbye to overpaying FBA Fees ever again!

  • ⚑ Get instant alerts whenever your overpay fees
  • πŸš€ Submit remeasurement claims in a few clicks
  • πŸ“‹ Enjoy a user-friendly interface and clear instructions
  • πŸ’Έ Get back what Amazon owes you with a 0% commission!

The brand-new tool is available on the Growing+ plan for all Sellerise users operating in North America.

Want to stay protected from overpaying FBA fees? Try FBA Fees Reimbursement Tool today, start spotting overcharges by Amazon, and get your money back right away! πŸš€

~ 7-day free trial for new users ~
~ no credit card required ~

Updates & Fixes

Keyword research for EU+, missed reimbursement deadlines, ABC advanced analysis, and more!

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ November 08, 2023

More Countries in Keyword Hunter & Re-Ranker PRO

Fully-revamped keyword research tools helping you craft a killer set of keywords for your listings and PPC campaigns that convert like crazy! Already available for USA, Canada, UK, Germany, and Japan.

  • Uncover keywords that actually drive organic sales
  • Research up to 10 keywords or ASINs all in one go
  • Scope out niche opportunities with just 1 click
  • Find out how TOP performers achieve their results
  • Fine-tune your perfect keyword list with 16 advanced filters
  • & many more!


  1. ACoS, Refund rate, and Product sales/Order are added to the list of metrics that can be displayed as totals at the top.
  2. ​Also, you can analyze your Refund rates % in any Sales & Profit table now:


Choose on which cumulative metric you'd like to base your ABC Analysis: Net Profit, Sales, or the number of sold Units:


Know when you missed a deadline to claim your money from Amazon most recently. Click (!) next to the "red" zone amount:


  1. Enable an option to auto-add new products to your Smart Alerts Channels, so you don't have to do it manually in the future. Enable now ➜
  2. Export all negative reviews appearing on the first pages of your products or those that have been deleted by customers or Amazon (available for US accounts only). Explore ➜
  3. Quickly find your PPC campaigns by searching with their names, IDs, product SKUs, or ASINs on PPC Dashboard. Explore ➜

Product update

Introducing Keyword Hunter PRO & Keyword Re-Ranker PRO πŸ’Ž

Sellerise Team avatar
Shared by Sellerise Team β€’ October 19, 2023

Brand-new PRO version of Amazon Keyword Research tools by Sellerise

Now faster, more powerful, and packed with incredible features:

πŸ“ˆ 20x More Data

Uncover even more keywords that actually drive organic sales in your niche

πŸ” Multi-Search Capabilities

Research up to 10 keywords or ASINs at once and get all the relevant data you need.

🎯 Advanced Filtering

Utilize 16 different filters to narrow down and identify the perfect keyword opportunities.

πŸ” Priority Sorting

Our smart algorithm helps you focus on the most impactful keywords for your sales.

⚑ Lightning-Fast

Experience blazing-fast search speeds with almost no waiting time.

πŸ“Š Trend Trackers

Stay in the loop with the latest keyword trends.

πŸ† Track Top Brands & Products

Find out how top performers achieve their results.

πŸ•΅πŸ» Competing Products Metric

Stay ahead of the game by knowing how many products rank for your targeted keywords.

Our team has been working non-stop to bring you these amazing upgrades. The brand-new Keyword Hunter and Keyword Reranker are available now for all Sellerise users on Advanced+ plans.

Don't miss out - be one of the first to take your Amazon SEO and sales to the next level today! 🌟

πŸ”₯ Try these and all other Sellerise tools within 7 days for FREE:

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