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Keyword research for EU+, missed reimbursement deadlines, ABC advanced analysis, and more!

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Shared by Sellerise Team • November 08, 2023

More Countries in Keyword Hunter & Re-Ranker PRO

Fully-revamped keyword research tools helping you craft a killer set of keywords for your listings and PPC campaigns that convert like crazy! Already available for USA, Canada, UK, Germany, and Japan.

  • Uncover keywords that actually drive organic sales
  • Research up to 10 keywords or ASINs all in one go
  • Scope out niche opportunities with just 1 click
  • Find out how TOP performers achieve their results
  • Fine-tune your perfect keyword list with 16 advanced filters
  • & many more!


  1. ACoS, Refund rate, and Product sales/Order are added to the list of metrics that can be displayed as totals at the top.
  2. ​Also, you can analyze your Refund rates % in any Sales & Profit table now:


Choose on which cumulative metric you'd like to base your ABC Analysis: Net Profit, Sales, or the number of sold Units:


Know when you missed a deadline to claim your money from Amazon most recently. Click (!) next to the "red" zone amount:


  1. Enable an option to auto-add new products to your Smart Alerts Channels, so you don't have to do it manually in the future. Enable now ➜
  2. Export all negative reviews appearing on the first pages of your products or those that have been deleted by customers or Amazon (available for US accounts only). Explore ➜
  3. Quickly find your PPC campaigns by searching with their names, IDs, product SKUs, or ASINs on PPC Dashboard. Explore ➜